I won't be emailing my questionnaire, but I have filled out my questionnaire for non-military supporters and posted it here for comment.
Now please go away Captain Honors, kthxbye.NON-MILITARY WITNESS STATEMENT QUESTIONNAIRE
Commander Naval Personnel Command has directed that Captain Owen P. Honors, USN, former Commanding Officer USS ENTERPRISE (CVN 65), be processed at a Board of Inquiry for activities related to the production and showing of some “XO Movie Night” videos over five years ago while he served as Executive Officer USS ENTERPRISE (CVN 65). These proceedings may result in Captain Honors being administratively separated from the U.S. Navy with an “Other Than Honorable” characterization of service and retirement at a lower Paygrade. At the Board of Inquiry, Captain Honors is authorized to submit written statements on his behalf and he requests your support and assistance by accurately filling out the below statement and forwarding it to his attorneys by August 01, 2024
Full Name: Raymond Pritchett
Address: http://www.informationdissemination.net
E-Mail: See website for link
Have you watched any of the “XO Movie Night” videos or the press coverage surrounding them? Y/N
If yes, were you offended by their content or did you find them inappropriate for an adult audience?
Did you think the amount of media coverage surrounding these videos was appropriate and/or impartial? Y/N
Because a naval officer made multiple videos for 5,000 sailors in the spirit of good order and discipline and in the process made a complete jackass of himself. America loves watching train wrecks, and Captain Honors represented a human train wreck made for TV and internet news coverage. How is it possible that this man is expected to command a strategic asset of the United States, a nuclear powered aircraft carrier owned by the worlds only superpower, but simultaneously lacks the judgment and is apparently so politically tone deaf as to fail to realize how these politically controversial videos wouldn't be interesting to American media? I would also note that the actions of Captain Honors has been consistent with someone seeking media attention to his situation specifically in regard to these videos, so to be outraged by media coverage at this stage is hypocritical at best.
In your opinion, did CAPT Honors engage in “misconduct” or “substandard performance” in creating the “XO Movie Night” videos for his adult Sailors onboard USS ENTERPRISE (CVN 65)? Y/N
In what American government professional occupation does an individual in leadership simulate masturbation in a training video that is broadcast directly to 5000 members of a government organization while simultaneously claiming the video is "acceptable conduct" or "standard performance"?
In your opinion, should CAPT Honors be punished now for his actions that his superiors, including senior officers and Admirals, knew about and condoned at the time? Y/N
The poor judgment of senior officers and Admirals does not excuse the poor judgment of Captain Honors. Unlike senior officers and Admirals, Captain Honors took the matter one step further by insulting those who disagreed with his judgment regarding the quality of the videos, effectively shutting down avenues of criticism from prospective feedback from the videos. It wasn't simply a matter of his superiors potentially condoning the video content, it was also a case where the audience was forced to condone the videos under implied threat.
In your opinion, do you believe the Navy handled this situation appropriately by issuing CAPT Honors a Secretarial Letter of Censure and convening a Board of Inquiry five years after the alleged misconduct? Y/N
Because the XO movie night videos demonstrate “misconduct” or “substandard performance” of such magnitude that simply sweeping the issue under the rug and ignoring it after the videos became public was not an option. It is particularly important the Navy took action in this matter related to Captain Honors because the videos took place while he was executive officer of the very same aircraft carrier he was commanding officer.
Has this response to this situation changed your opinion of the Navy of the military at all? Y/N
If yes, how?
I have a great deal more respect for the mid-grade officer community and specific members of the US Navy leadership who dealt with this matter directly. What caught my attention almost immediately is how the Navy community of current Commanders and Captains was outraged by the behavior demonstrated by Captain Owen Honors in the videos, with several folks breaking down in specific detail the problems as part of a collective learning experience on how to conduct oneself on a large ship where CCTV videos may be the only time many of a ships crew interact with an executive officer. I do not expect to see active duty Navy officers defense the actions of Captain Honors, because they will demonstrate better judgment than Captain Honors by not endorsing his behavior. Admiral Harvey and Admiral Walsh also get high marks for how they handled this incident.
Do you believe CAPT Honors has the potential for further service to his country in the U.S. Navy? Y/N
Is so, why?
If the Board of Inquiry recommends CAPT Honors be separated from the U.S. Navy and retired from active duty, what is your opinion as to the characterization of his discharge?
Honorable | General Under Honorable Conditions | Other than Honorable
Other than Honorable
Captain Honors is an attention seeking media whore who has had more face time with the American public than any other naval officer in the naval aviation community. If Rear Adm. Brian C. Prindle, commander of the Naval Safety Center; Rear Adm. Dennis E. FitzPatrick, commander of Strike Force Training Atlantic; and Rear Adm. Walter E. Carter, commander of the Joint Enabling Capabilities Command, all of whom are fighter pilots who have commanded aircraft carriers, believe there is Honor in the way Captain Honors has represented himself, the naval aviation community, and the US Navy - then in my opinion the Navy has a serious culture problem represented entirely by Captain Honors defensive argument that his actions represent acceptable behavior in the US Navy today. I do not believe his actions represented good order and discipline expected of US Navy officers.
Should CAPT Honors, after 28 years of service, be retired in his current paygrade and receive retirement pay as a Captain/ O6? Y/N
Because I will not dismiss his 28 years of service to my country even if I will outright dismiss him as a credible representative of those who serve this country.
Please provide any further comments about CAPT Honors or this situation that you think might be useful to the Board of Inquiry:
Captain Honors needs to go, sooner rather than later.
Are you willing to testify, either in person or by telephone, on CAPT Honors’ behalf at a Board of Inquiry? Y/N
If no, why not?
I have nothing positive to verbally contribute on behalf of Captain Honors, however if Captain Honors is willing to pay my appearance fee I will provide him 5 good minutes of sharp and critical public humiliation in front of the Board of Inquiry under oath.
I SWEAR THAT THE ABOVE STATEMENT IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I consent to the use of this statement as evidence for consideration by the Board of Inquiry.
I do.
Raymond Pritchett 8/24/2011
On behalf of CAPT Honors, thank you for continuing support and for responding to the questionnaire. If you would prefer to draft a separate statement to include further details about CAPT Honors that you think may be useful to the Board of Inquiry members in making their determination then that document would be appreciated as well. You may be contacted about your participation in this process.
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